Special Olympics Auckland Athlete selected for World Winter Games!

Let's go Mitchell!


Let's go Mitchell! >>>

Our very own Mitchell has been selected to represent New Zealand for alpine skiing at the Special Olympics World Winter Games, which will be hosted in Turin (Torino), Italy!

These games are in March 2025. With costs in excess of $25,000 for Mitchell to pay, we are going to need some help to make his dream come true.

Mitchell has overcome a lot of adversity in his short life, due to being born extremely premature at 24 weeks gestation. He sadly lost his twin brother, Rupert, shortly after their births. Owing to his early start in life, Mitchell has suffered substantial brain damage. This has lead to many obstacles in his life, which he has cheerfully overcome - with the help of many people and organisations such as Special Olympics NZ.

Mitchell has a passion for sports and has developed a true love and talent in skiing. To represent New Zealand at the Special Olympic World Winter Games is a once in a lifetime opportunity that would bring him real joy and a sense of purpose.

Please head on over to Mitchell’s Give a Little page and donate if you can!

Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.
— Special Olympics Athlete Oath

Athlete Profile: Mitchell Hartnett-Newlands